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Photocatalytic ARC-FLASH has three major effects: sterilization, deodorization and antifouling. Sterilization and deodorization effects are achieved by the strong oxidative decomposition power. Antifouling is the effect of oxidative decomposition and super-hydrophilicity.

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Clear high difficulty

To put the photocatalyst shown in the figure at left to practical use in living spaces, it is important to stabilize the titanium dioxide photocatalyst effectively and to bind it to the material to be coated. The difficulty of binding with materials is a characteristic of titanium oxide. ARC-FLASH has enabled

this difficult binding.

Breakdown to small molecules

When UV rays are applied to a surface treated with ARC-FLASH, photoexcitation of titanium dioxide occurs and all the organic matter that comes into contact with the surface is decomposed into low molecular weight molecules.Not even dead bacteria remain on the surface. Substances that cause fouling are also decomposed on the same principle, and super-hydrophilicity prevents drops of water from adhering to the surface. In case of outdoor application, the surface is washed by rain and cleanliness can be maintained at all times.

UV and air circulation are important

Acetaldehyde is decomposed into carbon dioxide and water vapor, and the smell is eliminated.

The better the air circulation, the greater the deodorizing effect.

In the same way, airborne bacteria and viruses are reduced by air circulation.

As long as ultraviolet rays are applied, the condition shown in the figure will be maintained.

​ARC FLASH index

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