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What is ARC-FLASH?

Photocatalytic ARC-FLASH is a product whose name is inspired by the clean energy and brightness of light.

 It is a liquid paint whose main ingredient is titanium dioxide. It requires a quick-drying water-based binder and becomes water-insoluble after drying. The product also reacts to temperature.

Origin of ARC-FRASH

While the word "photocatalyst" is commonplace today, nobody knew what it meant 30 years ago, when the Honda-Fujishima effect was discovered. Even after that, the word was only known to researchers and engineering students.Although the Honda-Fujishima effect attracted attention of the world, it took time to achieve commercial use.One reason is said to be the difficulty of developing technology to bind titanium dioxide with the material to be coated.

For titanium dioxide to react to light, it must be exposed on the surface. 

If it sinks into the binder, it cannot react to airborne organic matter.

Also, if a wrong type of binder is used, the binder itself will be decomposed.

Development of ARC-FLASH began from around 1990, and an early prototype was completed at the end of 1998.

Improvements have been made since then to achieve the present ARC-FLASH.

Photocatalytic ARC-FLASH is applied only by technicians licensed for such application.

The product is not sold directly to the customers.

  1. Product

  2. Special air gun

  3. Application technician

The above three combine to achieve a stable effect, and technical information is distributed to application

technicians throughout Japan 24 hours a day through the 

Secret of the special air gun

A special air gun used for ARC-FLASH relies on the principle of soap bubble.The liquid film becomes thin due to the air pressure inside.Titanium dioxide emerges from the liquid film at the same time,and it becomeseasier to apply the paint in the state where titanium dioxide on the binder surface

is exposed to the air.

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スクリーンショット 2019-01-10 19.13.28.png

The titanium dioxide that emerges from the binder works effciently as a photocatalyst by UV irradiation.The quick-drying binder becomes water-insoluble and as hard as 4H pencil.The hardened binder does not release titanium dioxide under normal conditions,unless the surface is polished.

This means that the effects of ARC-FLASH are semi-permanent.

Copyright:(C) 2019 ARC-FLASH Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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